當人們看到你,他們的感覺是什麼? 你是喜樂、親切、個性好? 還是緊張、暴燥、充滿敵意、沮喪低沉? 
其他人是否想要像你一樣 ?
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When people see you, what kind of message are they getting? Are you happy, friendly, good-natured? Or, are you stressed, grumpy, sour and discouraged? Do others want what you have? Jesus said in Matthew 5:14 that we are the light of the world. Most of the time people are not listening to what we say; they are watching how we live. They are watching how we carry ourselves. Many people may not read the Bible, but they are reading our lives. Our joy is not supposed to be hidden; it’s supposed to be seen. There are over fifty-three scripture references in the Bible where God talks about our countenance. A simple way to display your joy is through smiling. Even through difficulties and unfair situations, decide to display your joy by faith and smile. Don’t wait to feel joyful in order to smile; you may wait forever! Instead, put your faith out there and smile. The joy of the Lord will be your strength. If you will make that decision to brighten up and put on a cheerful countenance, you will feel the joy kick in. You will step into a new level of God’s favor. You will not only be healthier, but you will get better breaks and see increase and promotion as you honor God with your life!


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